Friday, September 28, 2007

The 11th Hour

You've heard of Ebert and Roeper, how about Gongleski and Fiorie? Tuesday night - we headed over to the Little Theater on East Ave in Rochester to watch the new Global Warming Film by Leonardo Dicaprio, The 11th Hour. Here are our reviews!

Lisa's - Two Thumbs Up! I thought the film took a different point of view in comparison to Al Gore's. While this was much more of a documentary and contained many interviews with scientists and authors, it was easy to follow and flowed from history, cause and effect, to solutions very nicely. I'm critiquing the marketing and small release of the film. I feel that no one knows about it or seeks it out unless you are already interested in making a difference, making me question the impact the film will have. I also enjoyed learning about the ancient use of sunlight for the survival of the human race in comparison to current usage. It also touched on religious faith vs. global warming - however that is another post completely...coming soon!

Lesson Learned: Everyone can vote! Vote by what you choose to purchase, in a world driven by economic growth vs. nature, put your money on products that matter!

Jaclyn's - Two Thumbs up for me as well. At the risk of being predictable, I was genuinely impressed. The movies tagline "Turn mankind's darkest hour into it's finest" it is the type of proactive message that this whole movement needs. While a lot of the interviews were "lecture-esq" if you will, there was a strong focus on the fact that while we have a serious problem here - but its not too late! We can do something - and by taking action, we will be able to sustain the earth for future generations. In that sense, our generation is given a huge burden of responsibility, but at the same time, an enormous opportunity to change the way we live - for the better! What I found inspiring was the second half of the movie where they really delved into how we can change. It was more focused on the business level (not our eco-savvy ideas!) but it was fascinating to see how buildings, transportation systems and essentially everything that is made or built can be sustainable. This is a process that will take time, but will create thousands of jobs and revenue - and ultimately a better future.

Lesson Learned: The human disconnect with nature. I will admit that I am not connected with nature, nor do I consider myself a part of nature. This really opened up my eyes to the fact that we are a part of nature and we can't escape that. Anyone care to go on a hike with me? I know there are a number of you that would pay to see that!

I could go on and on but...I wont! I really recommend you go see it for yourself. You will walk away with knowledge and inspiration that is just impossible to convey through this post.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Thank you for the movie review!

You guys should do an ad campaign. If you need an art director, i've watched over 1,000 hrs of ANTM and could totally give Jay Manuel a run for his money..

-your Chic Conservist* pal, JQ

*my new made up word.